In collaboration with @thewildabide a shop and community for their annual No Shame November Campaign, I wrote this poem to encourage and bring hope to a conversation that tends to feel so heavy and daunting.
For more about the Wild Abide and what they’re about you can find out here!
This year, I’ve been intentionally sitting and exploring the concept of shame, finding the root of it individually but then also exploring this systemic weight of shame that women specifically tend to carry. Shame in these bodies, in these voices and overall existence. One thing I keep coming back to is that Shame is stemmed in lies and whenever I get caught up in the lies, I remind myself to “find the truth”. Find the truth of who you are, the fullness of your identity in who you say you are but ultimately who God says you are: so so loved and valuable.
I wrote this poem to dive more into the concept of no shame, I know that it will probably be one of many! Take a read, take a listen and enjoy!
When Adam and Eve took the first bite of fruit,
all hell did not immediately break loose
instead it eased itself into a coat of fear and covered the garden
Shame showed up, made its camp at the feet of them both
and has made home in our world, in our hearts, in our minds ever since
When Adam and Eve took the first bite of fruit,
fiery comets did not fall
Instead a nagging sensation in their spirits
poked and prodded at the “good and very good”
spoken over them moments before
Shame and fear danced around them in a frenzy
only to settle by hovering over them,
“Who told you that you were naked?” God asked
I could almost hear the hurt crack in His voice when he asks this
as if to say, “where did this shame come from?
This wasn’t supposed to be part of the story.”
See this act of self love is not an act of worldly rebellion
It is a small attempt at reuniting ourselves back to our creator
It is a rewinding of identity, unraveling shame and fear from our lungs
Keeping us choked up
Keeping us stuck in where we were
Keeping us frozen in complacency
instead of walking boldy in what we’ve been created for,
fullness, a garden of fruition, of plans blooming and prosperous
He says, I knit you together in your mother’s womb
which means everything I did was on purpose
To show you that you have purpose
Intricate and intentionally destined purpose
whispered into your existence so that fear could not win
and if these poems are reminders of freedom
from a shame we were never meant to live in,
then I will do whatever it takes
To unwind the shame with every poem, with every song, with every post.
and if this is what it means to walk in freedom, an unshackled existence in who we are,
then I will stand a little bit taller, I will walk a little bolder because shame was not meant to be part of my story.
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