Comparison wiped me out yesterday. Gut punched me & poked where it hurt. I can sit so aware and confident in who I am and my gifts most days and then one little thing triggers off this insecurity alarm and it is a SPIRAL. The dramatics begin, “I might as well figure out what else […]
This year more than ever I want to focus and be intentional with my ability to be and less on my need to do. This last year put us through the ringer emotionally, spiritually and physically. We experienced grief and trauma like no other and we were able to notice and respect our ability to […]
It can feel like an easy trap to feel hopeless this year but something I was thinking about the other day is, when the question of “where is the hope here?” arrives the answer can be found right in our own two hands. If this year has taught us anything (and trust me…it’s taught us […]
When we first started 2020, we were hyped weren’t we?! Everyone was so ecstatic, finding all the creative ways to talk about vision and perspective. Finding all the quirky opportunities to use 2020 as a metaphor for sight and seeing things clearly. “This is going to be our year!” “2020 new vision” “This is going […]
I know it’s taken me awhile but alas here it is, the much awaited recap of my experience in Israel. No one asked for this, I just decided to do it myself because I wanted video memory of this experience that was unlike any other. I usually write recaps of experiences via my blog, written […]
In collaboration with @thewildabide a shop and community for their annual No Shame November Campaign, I wrote this poem to encourage and bring hope to a conversation that tends to feel so heavy and daunting. For more about the Wild Abide and what they’re about you can find out here! This year, I’ve been intentionally […]
I wanted to start my blog again because I missed writing, I missed the nostalgic craft of just writing things down and sharing them with others. One of the requests I received for what to write about was more about me which I found so strange because I feel like I talk about me all […]
I am grateful for this opportunity Arielle has given me to share these words with you. Many of you have been following her writing & journey for quite some time. I see this as a beautiful opportunity for you to see her through my eyes. For those of you reading this that are apart of […]